Thursday, July 31, 2008

Chilling in Vegas

These past two weeks I have been done in Las Vegas because my parents went to Seattle and Houston. My aunt Brenda is babysitting us at the house. Mary and her kids stayed for the first week and we kinda had a strict order. I have had a lot of sleeping through. LOL! Last Tuesday we went to a drive in movie. Which movie well like the borest movie ever. Wallie. That movie is like not human well i guess it isnt anyways. It was a fun experiened through. We have been swimming a lot too. Every time everybody want to go swimming I am like 'I am so tired. I guess I will have to go to bed. Sorry'. Lame excuse but if I dont want to go then they pretty much couldnt anyways. I have to miss the family birthday pretty because my mom grandpa died yesterday morning so I will miss. I would love to see all my family but i guess i cant. I guess going to a furnel is better to go to. Just to let the family know that you care. Missing a family birthday party vs. furnal who all know what i would choose. But I also know what is right. Well this is my first time doing this blog and that is why there is like nothing anyways that is it for now.