Sunday, December 28, 2008

Happy New Years!!

This Christmas was weird but awesome still. My family stayed at my grandmas house like the usual but we did Christmas with everybody there which is not what we usually do. Well so on Christmas eve day we went the our family annual party. It was pretty fun! :) Then Christmas Day my dad woke us all up and we went into his room and sat untill he was ready to take us out to the family room.
S0 when we got out there we opened our presents from our brothers and sisters. I got a necklace. Then we open the "Santa Presents"!! So the main thing i wanted was a camera and well the first couple of things just weren't that. After a while i saw this perfect sized boxed just right. so i got up and grabbed it and of course it was. YEAH!! ;) I guess i get to put more pictures on now. Ha Ha.
Then we had a long drive back to beaver and heather was throwing up the whole ride home. I was digested. oh that is my fav picture of edward in the entire movie!!! <3
Well i hope you guys all have a good new years eve and day.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Merry Christmas!!

Merry Christmas everybody. I am so excited. The two things i want for christmas is a digital camera and scarpbooking stufff and i won't some new clothes. This Wednesday it snowed and it just made everything feel more like christmas. We have a tree up in our house even though we are going to vegas for christmas. It took my mom for every to get my dad to say we could put it up well any way.
Last weekend I went up north we our young womens group and we went to temple square, festival of trees, and to a byu folk dance. It was way fun and cool. I went with my violin teacher and she was just crazy. On the way home she got two large pops and had them gone by the time we got back to beaver. She was crazy.
Yesterday, Twilight came to the theatre in Beaver. They had a midnight showing but way go to the midngith one when you could go earler right. Well anyways I went to This Christmas praty and then we watch twilight. Oh my heck is edward hot. It was the best movie i have ever seen. At the end i was going to pee my pants cuz i had two cups full of pop. I didn't want to get up and go pee during the movie so i run out right when it got done. That was the first time and saw it and i really want to go and watch it agoain. LOL!! Ha Ha . Well I Got To go.